Sunglass lens categories: what are they and how to choose the right one

Quali sono le categorie delle lenti degli ochciali da sole

Even before the robustness, design and possible diopter, sunglasses should be evaluated for a fundamental parameter: the category of lenses.

We are talking about the most important feature of all, since it is – in a nutshell – UV protection for the eyes .

The impact that poor quality sunglasses can have is often underestimated: a lens that is not only not useful but can become harmful. In fact, cases of inflammation of the cornea, serious problems with conjunctiva and chronic pathologies due to exposure to UV rays which are even “amplified” on the eye when they pass through poor quality lenses.

Why is it important to choose the right Category of Sunglasses?

Before making the purchase, therefore, it is necessary to make sure what type of material we are going to choose.

Today we would like to talk about it, precisely to spread awareness on this topic, given that fortunately there is a precise regulation that guarantees the quality of sunglasses.

These, in fact, are real PPE, i.e. “Personal Protective Equipment“.

Just like masks, gloves and helmets, these products also have the function of protecting a very important part of our body: the eyes.

And, as PPE, they are therefore subject to a series of fixed ules and parameters to catalog them; in particular, the regulatory device is ISO 8980-3:2022, valid at an international level . By managing to choose the most correct category for our lifestyle and our needs, we will ensure clear but above all protected vision, to the benefit of our health of the eye..

What are the factors to consider when choosing?

Before proceeding with the explanation of the different categories, it is necessary to try to understand in what conditions we will use the sunglasses and what type of brightness the lenses will be subjected to .

  • Do we spend many hours outside and live in areas that mostly experience good weather?
  • Do we carry out an activity that requires us to stay behind the wheel for a long time, behind the windshield?
  • Will we go to snow-capped mountains or to the sea, in full sun?

Here, by doing a brief analysis of habits and the surrounding environment, it will be easier to find the right category to make an extremely personalized purchase.

The Categories of Sunglasses Lenses

We now come to the actual classification and explanation of each typology. In a simple and intuitive way, there are categories 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4. he increasing number corresponds to the greater protection offered by the lens; to catalog the solar filter we use the TV, i.e. the transmittance value, i.e. the measurement of how much light can pass from the lens to the eye.
Here are the details:

  • Category 0 : 80/100% VT; they are transparent or very clear lenses, with an absorption percentage between 0 and 20%. They are recommended for use in the evening hours, in indoor environments and essentially for fashion, to complete the look.
  • Category 1 : 43/80% TV; they are clear/semi-clear lenses, with an absorption percentage of 20/57%. They offer some but fairly limited protection against solar glare and can be used on cloudy days.
  • Category 2 : 18/43% TV; they are dark lenses, with an absorption percentage of 57/82%. They are used when there is medium sun exposure, offering good protection.
  • Category 3: 8/18% TV; they are very dark lenses, with an absorption percentage of 82/92%. They can be used in very bright conditions as they are very dark.
  • Category 4: 3/8% TV; they are very dark, completely opaque lenses, with an absorption percentage of 92/97%. They are used in contexts with solar rays in extreme conditions, for example in the high mountains with the glare of the snow, in the middle of the sea or in the desert.

How to choose the Lens Category for UV protection

Then there is another factor to take into consideration: regardless of the more or less dark color, it is advisable to also evaluate the material of which the lens is made since there are specific ones that protect against UV rays up to 400 nanometers. All these parameters must be indicated, by law, on the information leaflet that usually accompanies the PPE.

CliC Sunglasses

Our lenses ensure maximum protection in any condition. In particular, CliCoffers specific collections for those who need extra eye protection.

For those who lead an active lifestyle or frequent very sunny places, we recommend the “Sun Extreme” and the glasses from the “Sport” line which combine aesthetics with the quality of polycarbonate lenses with UV400 protection .

For those who also want polarization, the “Freetime” collection of polarized sunglasses is ideal : extreme comfort and great lightness.

All sports sunglasses Clic Sun are available in materiale ultraleggeroultra-light material ( nylon and TR90 ). with the addition of soft silicone and in different colours, from classic to more lively.