Reading glasses: how to choose the right diopter?


With advancing age, close vision decreases and we begin to have difficulty reading books, documents and texts on our smartphones if not increasing the distance of these from our eyes. Responsible for is the normal aging process of the eyes and the related loss of elasticity by the lens.

Technically we are talking about presbyopia, which is a vision disorder characterized by the gradual, progressive and irreversible loss of the ability to focus closely.

Choosing the right diopter in reading glasses

In relation to the age of onset and the extent of the symptoms, three types of persons affected by presbyopia can be identified:

1) Young (40-45 years old): a person who has recently begun to show the first symptoms of presbyopia and who needs to be corrected with glasses with diopters between +1 and +1.5.

2) Mid (45-55 years old): person who needs correction by wearing presbyopia glasses with diopter between +1.5 and +2.

3) Advanced (over 55 years): a person who needs constant correction to carry out activities at close range with a diopters between +2 and +3.

The importance of the specialist examination for presbyopia

It is essential to not underestimate the first symptoms and it is necessary to carry out a specialist visit to evaluate the best possible solution. It is also possible to do a first self-assessment test but it is only through a visit to your trusted ophthalmologist that it is possible to have the exact diagnosis and understand how to proceed to safeguard the health of your eyes.

At CliC, for an exact assessment of presbyopia in which the plasticity of the lens comes into play, we recommend that you book a specialist visit in the morning, when the eye is at rest, avoiding making an appointment after a busy day of work.

The presbyopia self-assessment test

To carry out a first self-assessment test it is necessary to follow the following points:

1) Download and print the following PDF with the table and instructions on an A4 sheet.

2) Place the paper about 40cm away from your eyes (roughly the distance between your hand and your eyes with your arm extended).

3) Read the texts on the sheet without glasses starting from the top. On the first line where you are having difficulty, write down the corresponding number located to the left of the line. This number corresponds to your diopter.

Reading glasses with magnets: practicality and innovation

Glasses are one of the most widely used solutions for correcting presbyopia, and CliC glasses are the simplest and most elegant solution, with the advantage, thanks to the adjustable stems and the neckband that offers stability and comfort, of adapting to any shape of face and head.

The well-known glasses with magnets, a true technological innovation, are perfect for those who love practicality without neglecting aesthetics and innovation.